Traditional Archery Instruction

Learn the Art of Traditional Archery with Yana Robertson

At Robertson Stykbow, we believe that traditional archery is more than just a skill—it's a connection to nature, history, and self-discipline. Yana Robertson, a master archer with a multiple lifetime of experience (she is Dick Robertson's daughter after all), offers personalized instruction designed to guide you through the fundamentals and intricacies of this timeless practice.

  • Proper Form and Stance

    Master the foundation of accurate shooting with a focus on body alignment and consistency.

  • Intuitive Shooting

    Learn to trust your intuition as you develop a natural and fluid shooting style.

  • Bow and Arrow Selection

    Discover the nuances of selecting the right equipment for your needs, including bows handcrafted by Robertson Stykbow and other manufacturers.

  • Precision and Accuracy

    Fine-tune your aim and release techniques to enhance your accuracy in the field or on the range.

  • Mindset and Focus

    Embrace the mental discipline required for traditional archery, learning to maintain focus and calm under pressure.

  • Learn in Person or Video Call

    Learn how you want to. Choose to book in person or with a video (Zoom) call.

Why Choose Robertson Stykbow for Your Instruction?

Yana’s approach to teaching is rooted in a deep respect for the traditions of archery, coupled with a passion for sharing knowledge. Whether you are a beginner looking to get started or an experienced archer aiming to refine your skills, Yana tailors each session to meet your unique goals and experience level.

Private and Group Lessons Available

Yana offers both private and group lessons, ensuring that each student receives the attention and guidance they need to succeed. Lessons are held in a relaxed and supportive environment, where learning is encouraged and progress is celebrated. We also make it fun, so things get a little silly!

Join Us and Start Your Journey

Embark on your traditional archery journey with Yana Robertson and Robertson Stykbow. Discover the satisfaction of mastering a skill that has been passed down through generations, and connect with the rich history and culture of traditional archery.

Book Yana - Shoot us an email and we will contact you soon!